Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jonah pt6 (Notes from the way back machine.

A great advantage of technology is the ability to easily archive and then revisit what is hopefully find memories from the past.

I'm sharing some notes from sermon series JONAH. If memory serves me correctly, or small church plant was still meeting at our local YMCA. Read and enjoy.

Transformation is not the goal, but the symptom of true repentance

Apart from the pursuit of God attempts at restoration are merely fronts to cover our sin

This is the opposite of humility, and causes us to attack each other

Taking stances contrary to the bible making accusations giving in to our sin and our pride

The people who thought they could do everything right are the ones Jesus came and opposed

The church is bad at confessing sin and good at hiding our sin

Transparency in community with humility and wisdom is crucial

God is not fair, but just, and pursues an entire city to true repentance

Jonah offers no hope or Grace with his message to ninevah , and you get the idea that Jonah is prideful in his message

5 things to learn from ninevah repentance

1.true repentance is not defensive, its confessional. The king makes no excuse for his sin, or why Gods judgements might be unfair.

He repents in sackloth and ashes, representing total humility, that he is torn and deserving of death

Our pride makes us so hard towards repentance Augustine says we must unndecieve our sin

We have a false presumptions of our own good and worth. At the end of the day everyone is responsible for our own sin.

Two option when confronted by Grace of Jesus...a.deny and blame circumstances or b. Repent and confess

2 true repentance doesn't led to guilt but a realization of Gods worthiness.

We are great at motivateing by guilt and vain obligation to right living, not out of the overflow of the heart that has been changed

Don't trust in yourselves for righteousness, you will treat others with the pharasies prayer and the tax collector.."God be merciful to me a sinner"

A healthy way to understand your role...he must increase I must decrease....if you think you are something then you need to repent

Years of repentance are nessecary to blot out sin

As Christians we should not heap guilt, but offer Grace like God

3. True repentance bares fruit

There is no good in you, you are corrupt, heart transformation is needed and initiated by God

4 true repentance is not just turning from evil, but running to God

Call out to God, then turn from evil

We are bad trees that think we produce good fruit, and build our pride on what is in us that is actually rotten

If we turn from sin and not to God we only turn to another sin

Jesus is the redeemer and restorer of our hearts. Asking him to change our thoughts motives feelings and intentions

5. True repentance moves the heart of God

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